Foundation Stage (Nursery & Reception)
Foundation Stage – Nursery and Reception
The Staff in Foundation Stage this year are Miss Weston (Early Years Lead), Mrs Else, Mrs Smith and Miss Wain.
Nursery Class Saint is St Mary.
Reception Class Saint is Our Lady of Fatima.
All classes have chosen a Saint to help guide them in their school life. We want to celebrate the lives of the Saints and take guidance from how they lived their lives to make Christ known to all.
On the feast day of the class saint, the class will hold a special celebratory day. They will have a non-uniform day, lead a special school assembly and have a celebration in the afternoon.
Nursery Class Saint is St John the Evangelist
Reception Class Saint is St Therese Lisieux
All classes have chosen a Saint to help guide them in their school life. We want to celebrate the lives of the Saints and take guidance from how they lived their lives to make Christ known to all.
On the feast day of the class saint, the class will hold a special celebratory day. They will have a non-uniform day, lead a special school assembly and have a celebration in the afternoon.