From September 2015 St John’s has adopted the Archdiocese of Birmingham's Catholic
Schools Profile. As a school, we will be working together to look at those values and virtues
that come from the Gospel and teachings of Jesus. These values and virtues are taken from
the Jesuit Institute which is rooted in the teachings of St Ignatius. The Archdiocese of
Birmingham have created a Pupil Profile in which 8 pairs of complementary words have
been placed together. Each half term the whole school will focus on one pair of words; we
will spend time reflecting on the meaning of the words; how we see these values in action in
our lives and in the lives of others and how we can work to encapsulate these values in our
lives. All classes will discuss the meaning of these words; during whole school assemblies we
will consider what they mean and will take time to reflect, quietly and peacefully, together
so that we can listen carefully and try to hear the inner callings of our hearts.