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Subject Lead:  Mr P Turner


Our Math's Vision at St.John’s is for every child to have:

1. A positive attitude to mathematics as an interesting and valuable subject
2. An understanding of mathematics through a process of enquiry, reasoning and problem solving
3. A range of learning strategies: working both cooperatively, collaboratively and independently
4. Confidence in mathematics where children can express ideas fluently and talk about the subject using mathematical language
5. An understanding of the importance of mathematics in everyday life

Here at St.John’s we have recently taken a mastery approach to our teaching of Maths in the form of Power Maths. Power Maths was written specifically for the UK curriculum by leading mastery experts from around the world and recommended by the UK’s Department for Education.

It is designed to make maths an adventure, the whole-class mastery approach that works for every child. Some will grasp the learning relatively quickly and deepen their understanding whilst others may require scaffolding to help them to achieve and master a taught concept. It is designed to ensure that all children are able, confident and happy in Maths lessons.

Built around a child‑centred lesson design that models and embeds a growth mindset approach to maths and focuses on helping all children to build a deep understanding of maths concepts.

Power Maths starts from Reception bringing the core concepts of mastery to our youngest learners, all the way to our Year 6 class.